01. MOLD
There are thousands of different types of mold that can infiltrate the structure of your home or business causing substantial property damage. In addition to the physical damage, toxic mold may cause health issues.
Mold Testing
Air Quality Testing
Health Risk Assessments
Data Analysis
Preparation of Remediation Plans
Performance of Work Plans
Close Monitoring of Remediation Work
Prevention of Cross Contamination ​
Prevention of Mold Spreading
Disposal of Household or Business Items that Contain Mold
Disposal of Household or Business Materials that Contain Mold
Thorough and Proper Drying Processes
Removal Sprays and Materials
Complete Mold Remediation
Rebuilding or Reconstruction of Structures
HVAC System Cleaning
Specialized Items and Materials Cleaning
Adherence and Strict Following of FDA, CDC, EPA, FEMA, HUD and NIH Guidelines and Rules